HexChat: final release

Try irc/hexchat which is an actively developed XChat fork. XChat development has stopped a while ago AFAIK.

I use a combination of irc/znc and irc/hexchat and I am very satisfied with that.

… all the "cool" kids are doing discord these days. IRC is a dying medium, much like Usenet. It will probably continue to exist because of old farts like us but it surely will never be as big as it once was.

… There's much to like about IRC – HexChat was my preferred client, until I began using Riot then Element – however the more that I use things with a sense of continuity, the less I'm inclined to waste time in IRC. …

Via {link removed, link provider grahamperrin is dead, the killers can celebrate}:

… It is hard to let go but the time has come for me to move on.

… Forks of the project are welcomed. Nobody can stop the code from living on.

Someone might like to make a report in Bugzilla (via the FreshPorts page), for an update to the package description and package message. TIA from an old fart :)

In the meantime, ping pkubaj
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What is this link?

I think you already decided:

useless link

It's useless, apparently, and as noted in the opening post, all the "cool" kids are doing discord.

For more cool
information about
please see:

I'm neither cool, nor a kid, I'm currently a bunny rabbit