Solved Video gets problematic when switching to virtual console

When I'm on Plasma and do Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or F2, F3, etc) to switch to a virtual console the problem in the attached picture happens and occurs on every console. And I can't go back to the Plasma session, it keeps showing the pic's error instead, that's the video breaks. I reboot the computer to have the video work again: it starts SDDM then Plasma and if I try to switch to a virtual console the problem repeats.


  • IMG-2376.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 94
What video card do you have and what driver are you using?
Make sure you're loading the nvidia-modeset module, not nvidia.
You know... I think this is finally the time where I'm going to ask: What exactly is this "modesetting"? That also seems to appear in the DRM drivers (eg. for i915). I never quite understood it. From what I can tell this is basically an extra layer/shim which will automatically select the appropriate driver rather than specifying the real driver yourself?
Thank you so much, bruh. It solved the problem. :)
No problem. I ran across that solution at least 5 years ago, don't know where I got it anymore, but I had the same problem you did. I think the problem is in the nvidia driver somewhere, but noone cares about it.