Format USB key. Not showing in KDE

Hello everyone.

I'm posting my question here, following the suggestion of Balanga.
I try to format a 256GB Lexar USB key in FreeBSD (with KDE), GPT with UFS, unsuccessfully.
The key does not show up.
I don't understand why.
Maybe you'll have an idea ?

Here is everything I did :

gpart destroy -F /dev/da0

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=8M status=progress

gpart create -s gpt da0
gpart add -t freebsd-ufs da0
newfs -U /dev/da0

You'll see the result of the commands in attached files.
The key is not showing in Dolphin and I don't know why.


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By default KDE/Dolphin won't automatically mount your USB stick. You have to do this with the Disks & Devices widget which should pop up from the system tray when it is detected. If it doesn't pop up try clicking its icon in the system tray shown by the red arrow in the first screenshot.

If the Disks & Devices icon didn't appear right click the small triangle icon at the right hand end of the system tray and select 'Configure System tray'. Then check the setting for Disks & Devices which should be either 'Shown when relevant' or 'Always shown'.

Click on the device in the popup and select 'Open with file manager' to take you straight to it as a subdirectory of /media

You can use the Disks & Devices popup to safely remove the memory stick after closing all applications that are using it.


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After you create a partition you need to format that partition on the device using newfs / newfs_msdos for fat, not the entire device as you do.

Your error from above is: newfs -U /dev/da0 this is formatting the entire device not the partition that should be like /dev/da0p1

For USB devices consider to use a compatible file system between different OS like FAT32 so when you plug your USB Key on another Win/Lin you can read the information from it. If you going to use it only on FreeBSD then it's ok to format it using freebsd-ufs but you will be unable to read it on another OS.
Phishfry, VladiBG and Rawthey,

Thank you very much for your help. It works now.
I had followed howtos about formatting, but there were mistakes.
Thank you very much, I really appreciate to learn thanks to the help for the forum.

Issue solved
Phishfry, VladiBG and Rawthey,

Thank you very much for your help. It works now.
I had followed howtos about formatting, but there were mistakes.
Thank you very much, I really appreciate to learn thanks to the help for the forum.

Issue solved
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hmmm... I'm running a newer version than OP, but still this tidbit might help: When I use KDE's mounter, the folder for that USB stick always shows up as /media/SanDisk_USB_ut9847uy/, and it seems different most of the time (everything after the USB_ part of the folder name.