Mounted directory showing empty in Dolphin file-manager

I have mounted my linux partition as (/linux-home) with the help of following fstab entry:
/dev/ada0s5     /linux-home     fuse    rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/lklfuse,type=ext4,allow_other,late 0 0
And I can read-write in this (/linux-home) directory as normal user:
| whoami
| cd /linux-home/zetro/
| ls
Desktop  audio    download picture  software text     video
| mkdir hello
| ls
Desktop  audio    download hello    picture  software text     video
But I cannot read and write in (linux-home/zetro/) under filemanager. For instance, please check attached screenshot of "Dolphin" which is showing (/linux-home) empty. Am I missing any required package? How can I fix it?


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I have just discovered that audacious and nemo can read-write /linux-home directory, but dolphin and smplayer cannot read it. May be its a gtk vs qt thing?
This is after mounting the filesystem? Those permissions won't allow anyone (besides root) to write there.
This is after mounting the filesystem? Those permissions won't allow anyone (besides root) to write there.
Yes, these permission are after mounting. But I can write in it from terminal as standard user. Kindly check my first post, where I have created 'hello' directory, as standard user.
You're writing to /linux-home/zetro/ which may have different permissions. Can you post the output of ls -al /linux-home?
| ls -al /linux-home
total 32
drwxr-xr-x   4 root  wheel  4096 Jan  1  1970 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 root  wheel  1024 Sep 24 19:34 ..
drwxr-x---  39 1000  1000   4096 Jan  1  1970 zetro
drwx------   2 root  wheel  4096 Jul 23  2016 lost+found
You shouldn't be able to write in /linux-home/zetro. The uid is not the same as your local 'zetro' user. Non of these directories are actually accessible, so Dolphin simply doesn't show them.

On FreeBSD the first user account that's created will have 1001/1001 uid/gid.
You shouldn't be able to write in /linux-home/zetro. The uid is not the same as your local 'zetro' user. Non of these directories are actually accessible, so Dolphin simply doesn't show them.

On FreeBSD the first user account that's created will have 1001/1001 uid/gid.
Strangely I can write in this directory, maybe due to lklfuse.
On Linux system, my UID is 1000, I don't know if it is safe to change UID (in Linux) to 1001? Do you have any idea in this respect?
Strangely I can write in this directory, maybe due to lklfuse.
That might be true, I've never used it. Permission errors like these are typical with NFS too, NFSv4 is better in this respect but with NFSv3 you really needed to make sure all UIDs are the same on all systems, which is often solved by using LDAP for user management. But for a handful of users and servers that's a bit overkill. In that case you will need to make sure by hand.

It should be fine to change it on FreeBSD or Linux, it doesn't really matter. Do take care of existing files/directories owned by that user. You will need to chown(8) those.
That might be true, I've never used it. Permission errors like these are typical with NFS too, NFSv4 is better in this respect but with NFSv3 you really needed to make sure all UIDs are the same on all systems, which is often solved by using LDAP for user management. But for a handful of users and servers that's a bit overkill. In that case you will need to make sure by hand.

It should be fine to change it on FreeBSD or Linux, it doesn't really matter. Do take care of existing files/directories owned by that user. You will need to chown(8) those.
I have changed UID of zetro to 1000, but still Dolphin is not displaying contents. Moreover, I have also fixed permissions of my home-dir by 'chown'. Please check following:
| id zetro
uid=1000(zetro) gid=1000(zetro) groups=1000(zetro),0(wheel),5(operator),44(video),1000(zetro),920(vboxusers),145(webcamd)
Or can I change my FreeBSD's UID to 1000?
You don't need to change you current UID in FreeBSD or in linux, just add in /etc/fstab for user and group zetro, assuming uid and gid 1001 for zetro, lklfuse options uid=1001,gid=1001
/dev/ada0s5     /linux-home     fuse    rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/lklfuse,type=ext4,allow_other,uid=1001,gid=1001,late 0 0
An ls -al /linux-home will return
total 32
drwxr-xr-x   4 zetro  zetro  4096 Jan  1  1970 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 zetro  zetro  1024 Sep 24 19:34 ..
drwxr-x---  39 zetro  zetro   4096 Jan  1  1970 zetro
drwx------   2 zetro  zetro  4096 Jul 23  2016 lost+found
With this user and group id's changed you might experience the same difficulty accesing the directories with dolphin when logging in as another user. You could add those users in group zetro or create a new group instead and make zetro and those users member of it.

BTW, had you any progress with the touchpad?
I use automounting to mount my ext4 (linux/gnu , "share") partition. It always shows up in pcmanfm when login as r/w.

I had the gid uid thing too, I created a users group in freeBSD gave it the same id 986 my user ID 1000 for all three OS (2 linux, 1 *bsd). and it works.

read and write mode using sysutils/fusefs-ext2.

You don't need to change you current UID in FreeBSD or in linux, just add in /etc/fstab for user and group zetro, assuming uid and gid 1001 for zetro, lklfuse options uid=1001,gid=1001
/dev/ada0s5     /linux-home     fuse    rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/lklfuse,type=ext4,allow_other,uid=1001,gid=1001,late 0 0
An ls -al /linux-home will return
total 32
drwxr-xr-x   4 zetro  zetro  4096 Jan  1  1970 .
drwxr-xr-x  22 zetro  zetro  1024 Sep 24 19:34 ..
drwxr-x---  39 zetro  zetro   4096 Jan  1  1970 zetro
drwx------   2 zetro  zetro  4096 Jul 23  2016 lost+found
With this user and group id's changed you might experience the same difficulty accesing the directories with dolphin when logging in as another user. You could add those users in group zetro or create a new group instead and make zetro and those users member of it.

BTW, had you any progress with the touchpad?
Before you posted your reply, I had already changed my uid and gid to 1000. Also according to your suggestion, I have now added:
/dev/ada0s5     /linux-home     fuse    rw,mountprog=/usr/local/bin/lklfuse,type=ext4,allow_other,uid=1000,gid=1000,late 0 0
But still (/linux-home) is not visible under Dolphin.
More importantly, this is only happening only in QT applications (Dolphin, VirtualBox), but GTK applications like (Nemo, Audacious) can read-write /linux-home. So I am thinking that is a QT vs GTK thing?
I use automounting to mount my ext4 (linux/gnu , "share") partition. It always shows up in pcmanfm when login as r/w.

I had the gid uid thing too, I created a users group in freeBSD gave it the same id 986 my user ID 1000 for all three OS (2 linux, 1 *bsd). and it works.

read and write mode using sysutils/fusefs-ext2.

Can you please share your fstab file. Thanks
Just to make sure: KDE5 requires /proc to be mounted (fstab) and HAL, DBUS enabled in rc.conf (dbus_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES").
Just to make sure: KDE5 requires /proc to be mounted (fstab) and HAL, DBUS enabled in rc.conf (dbus_enable="YES" hald_enable="YES").
Please check fstab:
| cat /etc/fstab |grep proc
proc        /proc        procfs    rw    0    0
and check rc.conf:
| cat /etc/rc.conf |grep hal
| cat /freebsd/etc/rc.conf |grep dbus
If you start dolphin from a Konsole terminal window, does changing to /linux-home produce any messages, warnings in the terminal?
If you start dolphin from a Konsole terminal window, does changing to /linux-home produce any messages, warnings in the terminal?
Opening dolphin, and then navigate to /linux-home:
| dolphin 
QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: open: No such file or directory
kf5.kio.core: We got some errors while running testparm "Load smb config files from /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf\nError loading services.\n"
kf5.kio.core: We got some errors while running 'net usershare info'
kf5.kio.core: "Can't load /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf - run testparm to debug it\n"
and opening dolphin with directory path:
| dolphin /linux-home/
QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: open: No such file or directory
The message is inconclusive. Investigating QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths hasn't brought up any useful information. Opening a PR or asking at the dolphin forum might point to the right direction to resolve the problem.
The message is inconclusive. Investigating QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths hasn't brought up any useful information. Opening a PR or asking at the dolphin forum might point to the right direction to resolve the problem.
Yes, I was also searching for that error but could not find anything useful. Thanks by the way :)
I have notice another thing. If I go to Properties of /linux-home, Dolphin shows that the directory contains data (Please check attached screenshot). And when I change any permission from that Properties' Dialogue box, the content of /linux-home appears briefly and then disappears again.
I think what SirDice was correct about permissions issue. Can SirDice or some other expert look into this?


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