Solved Why is down so long? Somebody knows?

Odd. Looks fine for me.


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Well, given that you're SirDice himself I'm not gonna bother asking about browser cache but... wtf?
Neither HTTPS/HTTP nor with or without www subdomain is working here.
given that you're SirDice himself I'm not gonna bother asking about browser cache
Yes, I flushed it, just in case. The only really big difference is that I'm using Firefox on Windows right now. As others are having problems too, and they all seem to be SSL related, it may be caused by security/ca_root_nss.
I ran this through a few "is it down?" web services and some of them report a working website (including screenshot), some of them report that it's down, some of them report 403 forbidden and one mentions that the domain expired and is parked.
On my end I'm running www/iridium on both FreeBSD and Windows and neither of them shows a working site.

Not that this is a technical or other way helpful analysis but I have to pass a few minutes until this machine in front of me is re-installed anyway.
Down for me too from my home (west PL) but works from VPN.

But whats interesting it works from VPN (opera build in VPN). I got IP from Sweden from VPN.
My server in other place is also pinging it succesfully, but they want JavaScript, and I have only naked Lynx there.
I see from my server that they check where I'm from, I think that here is problem. wassap?

An why such sites need so many cookies??
I'm not sure how the site is set up. But it's possible they're using GeoIP or something else to direct you to different mirrors and one or more of them might be having problems. Apparently I keep hitting one that does work.

Renewal issue @ Godaddy ... never received any emails from them that there was a problem ( or, that renewal was even coming up ) ... am investigating that side of things.

For those that weren't seeing a problem ... I wasn't either ... seems that IPv4 resolution was down, but IPv6 was still working, which makes it even odder ... the site loaded fine for me, it wasn't until aponomarenko mentioned the IP that I thought to check DNS issues ...

Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function exceptions::error_handler(), 4 passed in /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ on line 24 and at least 5 expected in /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ Stack trace: #0 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ exceptions->error_handler() #1 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ cache_memcached->__construct() #2 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ load_class() #3 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ cache->__construct() #4 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ load_class() #5 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ bibivu->load_class() #6 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ bibivu->_autoload() #7 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ bibivu->init() #8 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ bibivu->__construct() #9 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ start->__construct() #10 /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ load_class() #11 {main} thrown in /usr/local/www/bsdstats/ on line 77