ZFS ZFS Snapshots and Rsync 'snapshot mode'

Hi all. Probably stupid question.

I started a jail by copying a single backup snapshot. Now I want to shut that jail down and copy it to another location.

At the new location I have all the original snapshots.

I rsync'd the files and it all works, the problem is I think the previous snap lost its connection to a lot more files than is normal from snapshot to snapshot. It is an email server so perhaps there were tons of files that got moved (which zfs understands) and rsync just deleted them and recreated them?

Is there a zfs snapshot friendly way to do this? I am not aware of one but if there is I'd love to know about it.
There is `rsync --fuzzy`, but it has limited ability to find moved files.

You could turn on ZFS dedup, at least for the duration of receiving the rsync.

Why aren't you using send/receive, anyway?
That would have for sure replaced everything i think. then i would have no savings from one snap to the next. I think.