Xorg 7.7, ATI 4200 (DRI r600) and AIGLX

I am an old DRI r600 ATI4200 user. If I compile Xorg 7.7 with the option
in /etc/make.conf, I cannot enable AIGLX in Xserver 1.12.4 and Mesa 8.0.5. It is because Mesa 8.x withdraws the r600 DRI driver.
zeissoctopus said:
I am an old dri r600 ATI4200 user. If I compile xorg 7.7 with option "WITH_NEW_XORG=YES" in /etc/make.conf, I cannot enable AIGLX in Xserver 1.12.4 & Mesa 8.0.5. It is because Mesa 8.x withdraw r600 DRI driver.

Comment out WITH_NEW_XORG from /etc/make.conf and then rebuild the graphics/libGL and graphics/dri ports. That should get you the classic r600 driver.
