Other Working with JQuery asynchronous results

The web browsers interpret JQuery and Ajax asynchronous calls. If the results are needed from more than one asynchronous query from many URL:s it has been possible to use synchronous mode to use the results from all of them together if needed:


Today Firefox recommends to not to use this property anymore, URL: https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#sync-warning

How is it possible to retrieve the asynchronous query results to use them all or some of them together in JavaScript code?

In other languages the threads can be brought together using a join operation, for example pthread_join(3)(). The join waits the results of specified threads given as a parameter. How is this in JavaScript? How to avoid using the {async:false} calls? Is nesting JQuery calls inside other JQuery calls a synchronous way to do this? What in JavaScript joins certain asynchronous operations? Is there a join call and should it be added?
