Solved Why compiling 14-CURRENT instead of 13.RELEASE

The other day I performed git clone --branch releng/13.1 /usr/src
did a buildworld, kernel etc.
But when I did uname -a it says
14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #0 main-n263065-172af24449cd: Tue May 23 07:20:56
Can anyone explain why? I would VERY much like to get back to 13.x but how if the gitted src instead builds 14-Current?
This shouldn't happen, maybe a typo?

But anyways, you can easily switch the branch in your working copy. Just do git checkout releng/13.2 (yes, better use 13.2, 13.1 is EOL very soon).
This shouldn't happen, maybe a typo?

But anyways, you can easily switch the branch in your working copy. Just do git checkout releng/13.2 (yes, better use 13.2, 13.1 is EOL very soon).
Ta, but it's copied from the csh history, releng/13.1 is what was typed/requested.
One of many reasons I preferred CTM, the main one being that with CTM you could see what the next deltas were so you could decide if & when updating ports or src was desirable.
Use git status or git branch in /usr/src/ to check at what branch your source code actually is. You can switch branches using git checkout releng/13.2 or git checkout stable/13 for example. If the branch is main that's -CURRENT.
Thanks, I'd already used checkout, and status says it's back on 13. Zirias and you are correct I should have relaxed and 'man git'. Unfortunately when something so gob smacking bizarre and dangerous happens while you're already trying an act of desperation (changing sub-version in hope of driver issue having been a release glitch), relax is not the default mode.