Which scheme implementation to use & why ?

Available scheme implementations :
chez-scheme-9.6.4              Chez Scheme system
chibi-scheme-0.10.0            Minimal Scheme implementation for use as a C extension language
elk-3.99.8_2                   Embeddable Scheme interpreter
gauche-0.9.12                  Scheme script interpreter with multibyte character handling
gscheme-0.6_10                 GNUstep-aware scheme interpreter
mit-scheme-9.2_4               MIT Scheme: includes runtime, compiler, and edwin binaries
mosh-scheme-0.2.7_6            Fast R6RS Scheme interpreter
owl-lisp-0.1.23                Functional dialect of Scheme
qscheme-0.5.1_10               Small and fast Scheme interpreter
racket-8.11.1                  Interactive, integrated, graphical Scheme programming environment
sagittarius-scheme-0.9.10      R6RS/R7RS Scheme system
scm-5f2_10                     Scheme interpreter
siod-3.6.2                     Small footprint implementation of the Scheme programming language
sketchy-20070218_1             Interpreter for purely applicative Scheme
ypsilon-             Scheme implementation for real-time applications
There are sure a lot of people that find so tasteless "stalin" as "hitler" for
the name of a programming languuage. And people in Gaza would sure
not like to program in "netanyahu".
I approve of Stalin, Hitler and even 1488 as programming language names. I don't approve any references to the ongoing events on the other hand, especially this one.
The compiler technology used is arguably cool.
It absolutely is. Maybe one could have thought a bit about the acrynom before announcing it (after a few pints, I guess). But it is en vouge today to quote things out of context to harm people, that is a sad fact about todays' culture. The compiler is great, the historical figure is on a complete other page. No, another book. In a different library.