Other What tools/scripts included in the supported releases do you use on regular basis?

To give some context to the question:

I have recently discovered beinstall.sh(8) script which is included in /usr/src/tools/build. This was by accident as I was reading an old question on replicating bectl(8) function when updating from source. The script has made a huge difference to my workflow when following STABLE. As a beginner it has increased my confidence, saved me from various silly mistakes and increased my curiosity in learning more. Nevertheless there is no mention of this tool/script in the Handbook, which has made me think what else is out there that has not been mentioned in the handbook. What do people use?

I'm not referring to tools/scripts that you may be downloading from ports or writing yourself - there are a number of posts that ask similar questions. I'm interested on tools/scripts that are part of a release, and preferable are not that well known due to lack of documentation in the handbook.