using a linode from

Hi I was wondering if there are any users with FreeBSD installed on a linode. I'm having trouble installing past the point of erasing all content on the disk. I get gpart: geom 'da0" : file exists
Well I got past that by creating a new linode and deleting the one I was working on. Sill having problems though like network, connecting ssh
All good now
You need to be more verbose, this is on their site:
It references 12.0 but you should use 13.1 instead but the procedure should be the same...
I think one problem I had was FreeBSD.img was over 1024M. The guide uses 1024M for the installer disk. It almost installed when I made my post. So I"m not sure if I had the whole freebd.img. I noticed a curl failure not getting the whole img.