user crontab file

wblock said:
A. cron is enabled by default. It's already running. You have to be root to start or restart it.
B. Make sure your files have a linefeed after the final line. Many things will ignore that line otherwise.
C. You're responding to a year-old thread. Starting a new one with a more specific title might get better responses.

Thanks wblock. I tried it again with the linefeed after the last line:

[chris@pcbsd64] ~> crontab fetch
[chris@pcbsd64] ~> crontab -l
*/1 *   *   *   * /usr/local/bin/fetchmail >/dev/null
[chris@pcbsd64] ~>

When I rebooted, fetchmail was run every 60 seconds, I also got a cron email every 60 seconds, even though I set the output to >/dev/null.
mingrone said:
You can also put MAILTO="" at the top of the file to disable mail for all of this user's cron jobs.
Thanks mingrone. I no longer have an output from this crontab file, but if I run into trouble with outputs from this or any other crontab files, this is a great tip for dealing with those outputs.