Unable to properly run chrome or brave with linux-browser-installer

I am not sure if this is the right category, or the right place so if it is, I apologize.

I can install and get chrome or brave to start with linux-browser-installer. However, once it opens, it is completely unusable. It is extremely laggy and then eventually crashes. I am not sureif I have a setting somewhere missing, or missing a graphics driver.

Here are the relevant logs
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955008:ERROR:angle_platform_impl.cc(44)] Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
ERR: Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955051:ERROR:gl_display.cc(515)] EGL Driver message (Critical) eglInitialize: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955057:ERROR:gl_display.cc(786)] eglInitialize OpenGL failed with error EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, trying next display type
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955586:ERROR:angle_platform_impl.cc(44)] Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
ERR: Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955596:ERROR:gl_display.cc(515)] EGL Driver message (Critical) eglInitialize: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955600:ERROR:gl_display.cc(786)] eglInitialize OpenGLES failed with error EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955605:ERROR:gl_display.cc(820)] Initialization of all EGL display types failed.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.955609:ERROR:gl_ozone_egl.cc(26)] GLDisplayEGL::Initialize failed.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969304:ERROR:angle_platform_impl.cc(44)] Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
ERR: Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969325:ERROR:gl_display.cc(515)] EGL Driver message (Critical) eglInitialize: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969330:ERROR:gl_display.cc(786)] eglInitialize OpenGL failed with error EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED, trying next display type
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969877:ERROR:angle_platform_impl.cc(44)] Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
ERR: Display.cpp:1070 (initialize): ANGLE Display::initialize error 12289: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969887:ERROR:gl_display.cc(515)] EGL Driver message (Critical) eglInitialize: Could not create a backing OpenGL context.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969891:ERROR:gl_display.cc(786)] eglInitialize OpenGLES failed with error EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969895:ERROR:gl_display.cc(820)] Initialization of all EGL display types failed.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.969899:ERROR:gl_ozone_egl.cc(26)] GLDisplayEGL::Initialize failed.
[34763:34763:0404/091708.970633:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(196)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[34402:104722:0404/091709.038904:ERROR:command_buffer_proxy_impl.cc(131)] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuControl.CreateCommandBuffer.
[0404/091709.128017:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0404/091709.131937:ERROR:ptracer.cc(44)] ptrace: Invalid argument (22)
[0404/091709.131948:WARNING:process_reader_linux.cc(400)] Couldn't initialize main thread.
[0404/091709.131965:ERROR:proc_task_reader.cc(47)] format error
[0404/091709.131974:WARNING:exception_snapshot_linux.cc(391)] thread ID 104760 not found in process
[0404/091709.132008:ERROR:process_snapshot_linux.cc(129)] thread not found 104760
[0404/091709.132144:ERROR:proc_task_reader.cc(47)] format error
[32622:104662:0404/091712.374646:ERROR:udev_watcher.cc(97)] Failed to begin udev enumeration.
[32622:32622:0404/091714.354683:ERROR:gpu_process_host.cc(1002)] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=133
FreeBSD host 14.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 #0: Tue Mar 26 20:26:20 UTC 2024     root@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC amd64
pciconf -lv | grep -B4 VGA
vgapci1@pci0:0:2:0:    class=0x030000 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x8086 device=0x3e9b subvendor=0x1028 subdevice=0x0926
    vendor     = 'Intel Corporation'
    device     = 'CoffeeLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics 630]'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA
vgapci0@pci0:1:0:0:    class=0x030000 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x1002 device=0x6981 subvendor=0x1028 subdevice=0x0926
    vendor     = 'Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]'
    device     = 'Lexa XT [Radeon PRO WX 3200]'
    class      = display
    subclass   = VGA
pkg info | grep drm
drm-515-kmod-5.15.118_4        DRM drivers modules
drm-kmod-20220907_3            Metaport of DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components
gpu-firmware-kmod-20230210_1,1 Firmware modules for the drm-kmod drivers
libdrm-2.4.120_1,1             Direct Rendering Manager library and headers

Is there any more information that I can give that may be helpful?
Thank you in advance.
gotcha. that would make sense. i am curious if I am the only one or if others are using it just fine with 14.
Very similar issues, also on 14, have never tried w/ other versions and somewhat new to FreeBSD in general. Have you come by a resolution yet?

I will add that mine seems to operature lag free for a few minutes, till something triggers the lagginess (and I guess the GPU errors? don't remember), eventually something will cause the whole thing to crash. When I relaunch the same process continues again. I tried turning off hardware acceleration in the settings, but then I recall it crashing so quick I couldn't even make to settings to turn it back on!

Haven't tried playing with commandline flags like --disable-gpu yet

After playing around for a bit, I've identified that tooltips on the Chrome interface itself is one of the strongest triggers. If I can avoid those, things seem to run fine.
FreeBSD's Linuxulator will never be "perfect" (Linux and its typical userland being quickly moving targets doesn't help either).

Sure, running a Linux browser should be possible, and individual issues will probably get fixed eventually, but still, a native browser is always preferred.

That said, what's your reason for running a Linux browser? If it's about "widevine" (THE #1 reason until recently), we have an alternative meanwhile, see www/linux-widevine-cdm and www/foreign-cdm for a much better solution running only widevine (plus a little communication adapter) with Linuxulator.
Thanks, totally understand that, and that's useful for info about widevine. However, I'd like to use a Chromium-based browser to use certain extensions only available for it. I prefer Chrome, despite being proprietary, for sync support. However, I'm looking into Chromium w/ some kind of bookmark sync extension as a compromise, or if I can get some of the hacks to get sync working on it.

NB: the tooltips and popups on the Chrome UI really are the issue. Literally if I can avoid them, Chrome's running fine. Going to see if they can be turned off or I can find out what the underlying issue is. If I do I'll report back here.