Unable to get a DHCP address...

I am new to FreeBSD. The install appeared to proceed normally, I answered all the questions about the network during setup, but when booting, the system cannot get a DHCP address.

My ifconfig shows and broadcast of

My rc.conf shows

I'm not sure if I have a bad onboard NIC or if it's a compatibility issue with FreeBSD. The interface shows up, it just won't get a DHCP address. It's an SiS962L, which appears to be in the compatibility list.

I plugged in a card slot NIC, it's working fine with FreeBSD.

I have a Clevo laptop with an re0 card. Sometimes, it won't get an address but if I reboot, it does. Obviously, not ideal but as this is just a laptop that I use on occasion, I haven't tried to troubleshoot. It has the same problem with an OpenBSD install on the laptop, though not Linux. Does it EVER get an address? Have you ever tried a reboot or two first? (The laptop I have seems to have somewhat flakey hardware as there are other issues too, but I figure it's worth asking.)