TigerVNC does not install vncserver

I am rebuilding my FreeBSD 12.1 server. As part of the process, I installed tigervnc, pkg install tigervnc-server-1.11.0. When I went to start vncserver I get a "Command not found" error. Using find, there is no file called vncserver. I checked my backup and I found the file /usr/local/bin/vncserver.

I know 12.2 is just around the corner. Is this a bug, or should I wait a day or two until after 12.2 is released? Or did I miss something?


tigervnc-server-1.11.0 TigerVNC Server
tigervnc-viewer-1.11.0 TigerVNC Viewer

Two separate packages. Nothing to do with the version of freebsd.
As part of the process, I installed tigervnc, pkg install tigervnc-server-1.11.0. When I went to start vncserver I get a "Command not found" error. Using find, there is no file called vncserver.
What does pkg info -l tigervnc-server tell you?
What does pkg info -l tigervnc-server tell you?
(22:30)ROOT@anthem:/root# pkg info -l tigervnc-server