
If you are the only one on your system, there is no need to install it. But if there are other users besides you and you want to give them some amount of privileges (don´t use the ALL configuration flag), sudo is the way to go.
You might delegate special permisions with sudo, for example not having to type root password:

%wheel ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/portsnap, /usr/local/sbin/portmaster, /usr/local/sbin/pkg_upgrade, /usr/local/sbin/portaudit, etc, etc.

Keep in mind things like these always lower overall security, but if it's just a desktop it doesn't matter.
andyzammy said:
Why? Just curious.

It's had security issues in the past. Also it's not posix so by using it you're creating a dependency. su() does what it needs to do. Nothing wrong with setting up permissions properly if you need to put a policy in place for a system with a large group of users.