Restore network in VM after recovering from suspension

I use FreeBSD in a VMware Virtual Machine. Between uses, I suspend the VM. However, on resuming, I find that Internet connectivity is lost.

To restore Internet access, I run sysinstall and select Configure > Networking > Interfaces > em0 and then select Yes for DHCP configuration. Once I select OK in the resulting dialog, Internet access is restored.

I would like to do the same thing from the command line without launching sysinstall. I am suspecting this has to do with ifconfig but all attempts so far have failed. (I have tried all options listed here:

Can someone tell me what applet/program is launched by sysinstall for DHCP configuration?
@wblock Thank you. dhclient em0 worked for me.

Related question: How do I find the name of the interface (em0 in this case)? How are interface names assigned?
ifconfig(8) by itself or with -a will list all the interfaces. -l is the short form.

Interface names are assigned by whatever driver connects to the hardware.

Also see
% man rc.conf | less -p ifconfig_DEFAULT