please share your experience with different hardware

Hi everyone. A common question from FreeBSD users across desktop, server, and vendors is "which chips, NIC, SSD, WiFi, etc. hardware makers consistently offer good FreeBSD support?"

This is a priority for me and a first step is to catalog the hardware makers that DO offer good support so the community can share this knowledge with current and would-be FreeBSD users.

That's the idea of this survey:

Based on the responses, The Foundation will publish a FreeBSD Hardware Support Guide.

The responses will also help inform my outreach to hardware makers.

We plan to repeat this survey periodically. As this is the first one, I erred on the side of including all the possible hardware makers in each category. Your patience with this is appreciated. Subsequent versions of this survey will include a tighter range of options I'm sure.

I appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill it out.

I had no idea this existed!!! (obviously)

do you think this makes the survey I posted moot?

I will spend some time checking this out. thank you
do you think this makes the survey I posted moot?
Probably not, because there are plenty of people that don't feel comfortable running the scan tool and having their info uploaded. They may feel more inclined to fill out a survey. Also you could use the information that is stored in the hardware database as input, it already has a nice selection of different hardware that's known to work on FreeBSD.
I'd not seen the hardware probe SirDice referenced in #2, but the interesting thing is on FreeBSD it's "pkg install hw-probe". Then if you run "hw-probe -all" as root, it runs the probes and doesn't upload it anywhere, but you can go through and look at the information which may help filling out the survey.

So maybe add that information to the survey as a way to get information?
It does look like uploaded probes have identifying information redacted.
… people that don't feel comfortable running the scan tool and having their info uploaded.

Background (general): New hardware database for BSD-systems | The FreeBSD Forums thanks aponomarenko.

<> is a companion, of sorts, to <> for the Linux Hardware Database at <>.

excessive probing and logging · Issue #123 · linuxhw/hw-probe

It does look like uploaded probes have identifying information redacted.

Privacy, sensitivity: disclosure of serial numbers and other unique information · Issue #97 · linuxhw/hw-probe was fixed in 2021.

Beyond that: I wasn't aware of any comparable issue, I encourage users to keep an eye open for anything untoward. Thanks.