org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolic y

Dolphin in KDE 4.2.3 as root has access to all volumes.

But users in group operators access is denied. Dolphin shows this message:

org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy: no <-- (action, result)

How to change this? Please help.
I am having the same problem. :( I read the link above several time and edited my PolicyKit.conf and yet I still get that same error. I hope someone can offer a solution or lead me to help you help me.
neurosis said:
I am having the same problem. :( I read the link above several time and edited my PolicyKit.conf and yet I still get that same error. I hope someone can offer a solution or lead me to help you help me.

I don't know your security requirements, but I can offer you my hack of /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf

    <match user="root[color="Red"]|MYNAME[/color]">
        <return result="yes"/>
this may be acceptable if MYNAME is same person as root.

If you need to fine grain users and/or volumes have a look in manual page PolicyKit.conf(5)

Regarding Step 1 of HAL-FAQ I found that it works without mounting /proc too.

Maybe someone posts how to configure this for the group operator?
Here is my PolicyKit.conf. It mounts more than I want. :e
Also check your rc.conf, devfs.conf and devfs.rules in "/etc". Add yourself to group "operator".

<config version="0.1"> 
        <define_admin_auth group="operator"/> 
        <match action=""> 
                <return result="yes"/> 
        <match action=""> 
                <return result="yes"/> 
        <match action=""> 
                <return result="yes"/> 

If this doesn't work. Then read what was suggested in the first place.
Ive got it working! Thanks guys.

FBSDin20Steps, Does that setup allow you to mount usb thumb drives as well? I am trying to tackle that issue now.
Sorry for this, but can you help me...

I do everything in this post and document too, but am still having the same problem. For sure somewhere I made a mistake.

I don't know if I need to add more lines to my rc.conf and devfs files.

If you use kdm as your login manager, you shouldn't have to mess with PolicyKit.conf. Just make sure you have the following lines in /etc/rc.conf:
You should reboot for good measure after this.
Thanks for your response,

I put these lines in my rc.conf file when installing everything on my computer. If I login as root I don't have issues so, for sure I have permission problems.