Orange PI Zero2 and FreeBSD 13.2

And I guess you build it (after adding in the changed files) just like shown in post #1 in this thread?
I'm still a bit on the fence - my Opi Zero 2W doesn't have the extension board, so no RJ45 connector, and wireless isn't working yet.
yeah you build it about like on post #1

as for other, i think i would still prefer the diffs. if i have some time. perhaps you could put updated one to some other place than forum attachments. like you likely update it, etc. but yeah, can't keep it on 13.2 or 14, either you, me or someone else need to take this and rk as separate parts into 15, then someone needs to use it. and someone needs to be able to maintain it. or it goes bbb way or so, sadly. i mean i do keep 13.2 src here as well. so it would be easy to test. just somehow currently lack of willpower to search for usb c cable, serial and so on to get opiz2w up. among other things
Hi All!

I am trying to run FreeBSD 13.2 on Orange PI Zero2.

1. Successfully built from sources u-boot v2023.04, put it on microSD card by command:
# dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=<mmc_card_device> bs=1k seek=8 conv=sync
Insert card into Orange PI Zero2, connect serial console to my desctop PC, turn power on.
U-boot started successfully, I got u-boot prompt "=>" on the serial console.
Hi, can I get your u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin ?
I did try mine it's not work not show anything on first boot