not enough disk space


I have two hard disks of 160 GB each but there is a problem here:
Filesystem      Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ada0s1a     18G     17G    -20M   100%    /
devfs           1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/ada0s1b    125G     32M    114G     0%    /home
procfs          4.0k    4.0k      0B   100%    /proc
devfs           1.0k    1.0k      0B   100%    /var/named/dev

I want to know how to resize the hard disk or resize for patch (/).

Thanks to all.
This should free up some space, you can remove the debug symbols from the kernel: find /boot -name '*.symbols' -delete
SirDice said:
This should free up some space, you can remove the debug symbols from the kernel: find /boot -name '*.symbols' -delete

I want to take 100 GB from /home and add it to /. Can you show me how?

Thank you.
You can probably do a tunefs -m 6 /dev/ada0s1a to free up a little extra space in the meantime. You'll have to do it in single user mode as / is active.

Do you know what all that 17 GB is for? Make sure you don't have massive log files somewhere chewing up all that valuable space.