Solved No application launchers

Hey guys,

I've been away from FreeBSD for a few years, decided to come back. On my other boxes, I'm a Plasma Desktop user.

Odd thing is, I've been doing a bit of searching before posting here and find no results. That makes me think I did something wrong, otherwise well, there'd be tons of results.

I've tried both the instructions in the Handbook, as well as using desktop-installer. I haven't done anything else but installing using one of those two methods. Both attempts were from clean base installations, and tried on different boxes.

The problem is, while I can log in to a Plasma (X11) session, I have no launchers. If I open Kicker or the Application Dashboard, they list no programs - totally blank.

The desktop files are present. Taking Konsole as an example, if I look in /usr/local/share/applications, the org.kde.konsole.desktop file is present.

I've tried modifying both Exec and TryExec in the desktop file to include full paths (the as-installed version just includes the relative path "konsole". No change.

What did I do wrong?
Exactly the same thing happened to me a while ago. Just a brand new install.

My fix was: rm -rf .* in the home directory. Yes delete any dotfile in the home directory!

After rebooting the system everything was normal as it should be. Don't ask me why it was like this. Don't know and I still scratching my head
about this one.

The only thing I can imagine. As default KDE FreeBSD is set to run wayland instead of X. Wayland does not work on my machine
and crash KDE and I forgot to set it to X at my first login. Maybe that's the reason. As said I don't know.
If you install the applications during the Plasma session, they will not appear until the next startup. Plasma does not get along well with FreeBSD package management.
What a good idea, remove all your ssh keys, your gpg keys, your firefox profiles, etc.... .
Seems you have not even read my full post before your reply. I mentioned this was a brand new install. There
was no key files of firefox profiles or whatever.
To be able to read sometimes help!
The only thing I can imagine. As default KDE FreeBSD is set to run wayland instead of X. Wayland does not work on my machine
and crash KDE and I forgot to set it to X at my first login. Maybe that's the reason. As said I don't know.
Quite possibly, and I had forgotten I had done the same.

However, it was unnecessary to delete all of the dotfiles. All that was needed was to remove ${HOME}/.cache, and all was as it should be (where's that facepalm 🤦‍♂️ah there it is). I didn't even think to check if any configuration files or anything of the like had been written since it crashed immediately.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Seems you have not even read my full post before your reply. I mentioned this was a brand new install. There
was no key files of firefox profiles or whatever.
To be able to read sometimes help!
I read it, it is just that saying rm -rf .* without any disclaimer about potential data loss is not a good thing.
People may come across this thread and just go for the easy solution without reading too much.