Nano behaving unexpectedly


I have set up FreeBSD 14 with KDE Plasma5 and I mainly use Yakuake with bash (though this is all the same with Konsole and with different shells such as sh, zsh and fish). When using nano to edit files, the behavior is unexpected (to me), and not what I am used to with other systems. I have tried editing the .nanorc file, but nothing has really helped so far.


Firstly, shift+up/down moves the nano window inside the terminal instead of selecting text. Shift+left/right does nothing at all.

Secondly, with "set mouse" in .nanorc, it is possible to scroll, but it is impossible to select any text.

And last is not related to nano itself, but it is still a new behavior to me. Once I exit nano or vi, the text is still visible rather than being cleared.


If I ssh into one of my Linux machines and do all the above from there, it works just like it does locally on that machine. So it does not appear to be any keybinding issues with Yakuake. I know that FreeBSD is not Linux and things are different, but I am trying to figure out if the user can modify these things under FreeBSD. When the workflow has become part of your muscle memory, small changes can be quite awkward.

Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?

Current contents of the .nanorc file:
set tabsize 2
set tabstospaces
set linenumbers
set autoindent
#set mouse
set rawsequences
So I must have f'ed something up somewhere on the way, because when I created a new user and a simple .bashrc file, everything worked just fine.

In case it will ever help anyone else one day, here are the contents of my ~/.bashrc:
export TERM=xterm-clear

LSCOLORS="ExGxFxdxCxDxDxhbadExEx";    export LSCOLORS
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --colour=auto'

PS1="\[\033[1;32m\][\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]\u@\h:\w]\$\[\033[0m\] "

cd ~
Once I exit nano or vi, the text is still visible rather than being cleared.

Not reproducible with nano on FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT … I can't recall when the change was made.

… shift+up/down moves the nano window inside the terminal instead of selecting text.

Not reproducible with nano in Konsole on CURRENT. The selection is altered.

Shift+left/right does nothing at all.

In Konsole with multiple tabs: this navigates to the previous/next tab.

I don't have tips, sorry (if I made relevant changes, they were so long ago that I can't remember details). Someone else might guide you.
Thanks for the reply! I think my second post was still being validated (as I am a new member) when you sent yours, but I have managed to solve it by deleting the user and creating a new one, and taking more care with each step.