live cd...

wait...i mean to install rofreesbie and then to upgrade to freeBSD 7 and later to upgrade to freeBSD my idea?
We have no idea of what 'rofreesbie' looks like and which tools (if any) it has to upgrade it to a 'real' FreeBSD. Why not start with a FreeBSD liveCD or USB stick?
I understand the OP. A thorough search of the FreeBSD site will reveal these images, but they are buried rather deep.

My question is, where can I find a description of these images? ?


This contains support for booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode but does not support doing an install from the CD itself. It is meant to help rescue an existing system but could be used to do a network based install if necessary.



This can be written to an USB memory stick (flash drive) and used to do an install on machines capable of booting off USB drives. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. The documentation packages are provided but no other packages.
Thanks DD! That is exactly the information I was hoping to see. I didn't know I had to click on "Production Release" to get there - but it makes sense.
I tried RoFreeSBIE Live CD couple of years ago. It runs like a charm, better than Ubuntu Live CD :), better than PcBSD and DesktopBSD. It feels absolutely bug free. Besides it contains a number of tools and I still use it if I need to fix something. It's not as "pro" oriented as Frenzy but it's very user friendly. Many thanks to it's autor.
If I were a developer I would be proud to join his team.
Did you try to send e-mail? I used to communicate with the developer. As he explained he has very limited time because of his main job and he is alone or close to that in the project. He was asking if I want to help with next RoFreeSBIE but I don't have sufficient knowledge to help in development.
In meantime 6.3 is already in archive, 7.x..., everybody wants 8.x. I'm trying 9-CURRENT (on old machine!) and so far having none even minor problems (with exception of INDEX-9: don't understand why portsnap doesn't build it). Shortly: FreeBSD rocks!
In RoFreeSBIE KDE3-3.5 is used...everybody wants KDE4... some apps and tools aren't probably available yet for KDE4...lots of work and none support...indeed it's pity.
Some more about LiveCD:
In that case, DESCRIBE.9 is not yet distributed by the portsnap mirrors. I guess the 9-fork is too recent.