Lenovo Thinkpad x220 and 9.0-release

I have this laptop. currently have been running linux as a temporary OS in anticipation for graphic driver support in 9.0

Has anyone installed FreeBSD release on this laptop? I did not see the driver in the release notes.
fnucc said:

Thank you for the response. I was a particiant in the forum thread. Unfortunatetly both threads refer to pre-release. I am interested in the current STABLE RELEASE not HEAD. Since the rel-notes didn't have it I assume that the driver never made it in which means I may have to wait for a supplementary release or 9.1 whichever comes first.

Anyone else with a sandy bridge and intel gpu running 9 RELEASE? Is it ready?
Here's the port of the patch Konstantin writes for 9.0. I use it on 9.0-RELEASE.
Just patch you kernel as usual, recompile and install Xorg from the Xorg repo.
EDIT: Damn, I forgot the link. I must have been really sleepy :)