KDE 4.6.1 power management problem

I've deleted all my ports
pkg_delete -a
and then installed KDE 4.6.1. Right after I started it I found that power management doesn't work. The following error pops up
KDE Power Management System could not be initialized. 
The backend reported the following error: No valid Power Management backend plugins are available. 
A new installation might solve this problem.

Apparently I, as a user, cannot configure backends too much http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase-workspace/kcontrol/solid-hardware/index.html
I have HAL and I also installed upower as I read they're trying to replace powerdevil/HAL with upower. However still no power management.
Does anyone else have this problem? Or does anyone have ideas how this can be fixed?

I'm not sure how this worked before but it turned out that hald has to be running prior to starting X (KDE). And everything works, even without upower.

A little off-topic: when I start hald it detects my mouse:
hald-addon-mouse-sysmouse: /dev/ums0 (hald-addon-mouse-sy)
I start X and everything works - cool. But when I stop X this process terminates and when I start X again my mouse doesn't work. Is this normal? Can I prevent it?

Well when I enable moused this problem disappears. HAL doesn't forget about my mouse after X shutdown. Now I have moused + HAL + X and everything is working.