Jails and resource limits

Hello, I'm currently experimenting with jails and was wondering about per-jail resource limits; I know there is a project to implement this but as far as I can tell it is currently stalled. If an attacker could break into a jail and from there starve the host system, and any other jails running on it, of resources then is this not a rather large hole in the current implementation of jails? I suppose it can be mitigated with login classes for users but thats not entirely satisfactory. Any comments welcome.
Directory based jails share disk space with the host and if an attacker compromised a jail he could run a job to create files consuming disk space until it chocked the host to death. There is simple fix to this by creating your directory jail in a sparse file. Qjail has a jail create option to do this for you automatically.
Thankyou, but I was thinking of something more along the lines of someone breaking into a jail and exhausting the memory and CPU resources of both the jail and host systems - or is this not possible from inside a jail?
Create jail login class in /etc/login.conf, for every jail add user, add every jail user to that class. Enforce disk quota per user, not by group.
nearsourceit said:
You can somewhat limit a jail by adjusting it's cpuset, by only allowing each jail to use a specific subset of your cpus/cores, you can prevent any one jail from dominating 100% of your system.

for more on Jail Resource Limits, see the google SoC page http://wiki.freebsd.org/JailResourceLimits

That only works if you have a machine with multiple cores instead of the crappy pentium 3 800MHz that I have :) Also I looked at the following link which seems to suggest the effort to implement proper resource limits is stalled:


As I initially suspected resource limiting measures will have to be done with a combination of login classes and CPU core affinity settings (if you have a multicore machine :))

EDIT: Heirarchical resource limits, merged into CURRENT, can also apply to jails so it looks like proper jail resource limits will be available in FreeBSD 9:

Probably not yet but patches like these tend to get MFC'ed after a while.