Installing MPlayer from ports takes very long

How long does it normally take? The process has been going for about three hours and is still not finished. I didn't enable many options either.

I'm using a pretty old machine if that is the problem. 1.2GHZ AMD Duron.
It is processing a bunch of gcc-xxx xxx.c files. It's still going.

Here is a line from the screen.

/usr/ports/lang/gcc46/work/build/./prev-gcc/xgcc -B/usr/ports/lang/gcc46/work/build./prev-gcc/
Build the dependencies in smaller batches, you can get a list of dependencies with information which ones are still missing with this (ports-mgmt/portmaster required)

# portmaster --show-work multimedia/mplayer

Start by building and installing lang/gcc46 first separately if you want to use it or follow Bunyan's advice and deselect the OTCHAIN option.