image not being output with script

So I have been trying to get this script to work for a few days now. The script is supposed to compare the wireless signal quality to if statements in a function and then echo an image. I just cannot seem to get the image to show up on the desktop when calling the from my conky. Can someone please look through the script and tell me if I am doing something wrong? I gave the script sudo chmod +x to make it executable, was that right?

From the conky I am calling the script with:
${alignc -10}${execpi /home/kris/}

#! /bin/bash
function dload()
	if [ $lq -le 100 ] && [ $lq -gt 65 ]; then
	   echo '${image /home/kris/.images/wlan100.png -s 94x79 -p 10,520}'   
	if [ $lq -le 66 ] && [ $lq -gt 55 ]; then   
	   echo '${image /home/kris/.images/wlan50.png -s 94x79 -p 100,25}'   
	if [ $lq -le 56 ] && [ $lq -gt 49 ]; then   
	   echo '${image /home/kris/.images/wlan40.png -s 994x979 -p 10,725}'   
	if [ $lq -le 50 ] && [ $lq -gt 5 ]; then   
	   echo '${image /home/kris/.images/wlan5.png -s 994x979 -p 0,625}'   

function usage()
echo ${image /home/kris/.images/wlan0.png -s 94x79 -p 100,25}

lq=$(sudo iwconfig eth1 | sed -n 's/.*Signal level[:=]-\([0-9]*\).*/\1/gp')
if [ $lq -le 5 ]
#! /bin/bash

FreeBSD is not Linux .. Either use /bin/sh for your scripts, or if it has to be bash, install it from ports and point to it at /usr/local/bin/bash.
I am new to all this, and pardon me when I ask what is binmode. I am more of a JavaScript kind of guy, so I don't know much to very little about shell scripting.
echo is a tool for printing text not a binary data like images. binary mode forbids editing stream being output to stdout. And I dont know how to switch it in shellscript =)
binmode is a Perl thing, AFAIK, not applicable to shell scripts. cat(1) could be used instead. But the big problem here is that iwconfig, a Linux command, is trying to get signal strength from eth0, a Linux interface name. On FreeBSD, that would be ifconfig(8) and the interface name depends on the wireless card. Also, I don't have a wireless system handy to see how signal strength is shown by ifconfig.