HPE Gen11 hardware support?


I have trouble coming up with any information about this.

Does it work? Which hardware specifically?

Any reports from the field?

Best Regards
HPE ended support for FreeBSD long time ago. In fact there was very few HP engineers which was working of providing updated drivers for HP Raid controllers for FreeBSD but after they left HP it basically end and they support to it. So things as iLO CLI and hpacucli doesn't work. The standard CISS driver have limited support to the older raid controllers but it doesn't report any events so you should monitor the raid status via iLO and you will need iLO license to be able to receive e-mail notifications.

Currently there's a group of HP Japan which are testing the HP servers with FreeBSD and they progress can be monitored here:

You may need too use google translate for that page.
I know about the smartpqi driver....
In fact, I bought an OG Microsemi HBA just to be able to open a ticket and help push the latest driver into the tree (which took a really long amount of time).

The fact that the smartpqi driver is absent from this page:
is a bit worrying...

From the quicksecs, it seems you can buy Gen11 servers with a Gen10 entry-level HBA (which would be OK). It's unclear if the actual Gen11 HBAs are supported.

I'm trying to find out which NICs can go into the server (and thus, if those are supported).

We monitor everything via iLO anyway as we don't want to install the agents on Linux, either. We have (AFAIK) a site-license for iLO.
I've now got the spec-sheet:
HBA is a MR216i-p - does anyone know what driver that is? I would maybe make an educated guess that it's an OEM'ed MegaRAID HBA?

Networking is a BCM5719, which looks to be supported by bge(4)?