jails How-to install Debian Bookworm as Userland in Freebsd to support running Linux applications

Hi all,

I would like to install Debian bookworm including flatpak to install / executing applications on FreeBSD desktop as "Linuxulator". I need some applications like Bitwarden, Xmind or VScode, which currently not available over package manager.

I tried several installations, like described in the official FreeBSD handbook, but it did not work as expected. Now I'm looking for a comprehensive tutorial to set up debian bookworm as linux wayland in freebsd to integrate linux applications and execute it in freebsd desktop.

Does someone has an hint for me?

Thanks in advance for your response,

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I know that BastilleBSD can install linux jail, but it is still experimental though.
$ doas bastille create --linux debian11 x.x.x.x bastille0

But I would not expect too much of it since a lot of things depend on systemd like services so for applications it get complicated.
Your best bet IMO is a VM, but I am not an expert a more experimented user could give you a better answer.

Same question but for devuan

And there is also this blog post for void-linux:
I am a total noob on the subject, but needed to do the same as you and tried a few things, mainly using this thread for guidance ubuntu linuxinator .
First thing I tried was using debootstrap with bookworm as per that guide, but it didn't install properly and had some failed shtuffs.
The best I got was a bit of work, but basically I had a free ssd and had just installed debian 12 on it (bare metal), so I logged in to that and used debootstrap from there to install a bookworm chroot there. Then I rebooted into freebsd and used rsync to copy the whole thing over to freebsd; also doing the appropriate steps from that linuxinator thread
It worked as far as chrooting into it, updating apt and installing software, but I got stuck when running applications like browsers with errors related to /run. That was beyond my expertise, but it could have been easy to fix. I later looked into it and it might only need /run to be a tmpfs mount, however I had deleted the chroot and even debain 12 by then, so if you do not get a better guide, maybe try that.

p.s for the record, that was for non-jail setup.