girlfriend using freebsd

I think I have more in common with fronclynne. Girlfriend's using Linux and uses FreeBSD whenever I have the Desktop switched to it.
greyulv said:
Klanger try PCBSD on EEEPC 1000H and the PBI's for installing are even easier.

Support for WiFi Too!


I will, as soon as my girlfriends windows xp will die on her eeepc 1000HE :)

I'm using FBSD with fluxbox on eeepc 900 (more than happy with this combo)
I personally like the white fur around the base of each protrusion from her headpiece. (Sorry - per DD I can't use the H-word... ;) :e )
I don't know what the pope does in the woods, but I think the bear is not catholic.
My wife(38), daughter(6.5) and son(5) have absolutely no issues using FreeBSD. Actually its the only available system in the house. Wife is using web mostly (and youtube of course), while daughter/son use GCompris, tuxpaint and potatoguy!
I have different login environments: For wife KDE, while for my daughter/son Gnome with large fonts and Greek locale.
Her: my wireless is messed up

Me: restart your network manager

Her: uh . . .

Me: open a terminal, type killall nm-applet && nohup nm-applet > /dev/null &

Her: it says killallnm-applet: Command not found.

Me: you have to put a space between your commands and their arguments.

Her: what? I'm not arguing.

Me: oh, God.
fromclynne: That reminds me of me explaining my girlfriend how to add a new user and creating ~/.xinitrc via phone....
lme@ said:
fromclynne: That reminds me of me explaining my girlfriend how to add a new user and creating ~/.xinitrc via phone....

Eesh, wow.

I got my lady to log into my machine and take a screenshot for me while I was playing Robot Unicorn Attack. It was a fascinating exercise in patience and memory.