FreeBSD on Mac M2


I usually use x86 Intel but would very much like to buy an arm based laptop. To my surprise I saw that OpenBSD 7.2 supports the Mac M2. Does FreeBSD also supports Mac M2? If not, are there any plans? It will primarly be used as developer machine ie. xorg, bspwm, sxhkd, neovim, zsh, fzf, tmux and so on.. using java, c++, kubernetes, mongodb, kafka and some React and Angular development ie. using nodejs.


FreeBSD doesn't even support M1 Apple Silicon at the moment. There are some random efforts to make it work, but haven't seen a concerted effort. I think it's going to need the 16K page size in order to work and I think that is still in the experimental stage.
Your best bet on Apple Silicon at the moment is to run MacOS. Apple Silicon is really bad documented, so while some alternative OSes run it will take still years of development before these are on par with MacOS.
As far as I know even OpenBSD doesn't provide full support for these machines yet, from what I could read there's currently still no sound and no accelerated graphics either.