FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE unable to get ftp...


I am new to FreeBSD but not to Linux. I downloaded the newest version of FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE (memstick.iso / i386) and installed it. If I try to get a package with [cmd=]pkg_add -r packagename[/cmd] it says:
pkg_add: unable to fetch '' by URL

The FreeBSD server doesn't have the folder packages-9.1-release so I am not sure which URL I have to use with setenv.

Maybe packages-9.0-stable or packages-stable?

Any help would be great :)
From the announcement:
Please note that precompiled third-party packages are not available for 9.1-RELEASE at the time of release.


Due to the security incident reported here:

only the small third-party package set on the DVD image is available at this time for users who require pre-built packages (just GNOME and KDE windowing systems). The FreeBSD Project's package building infrastructure is undergoing a complete review and redesign. At this time we can not commit to a date the full release package set will become available. A separate announcement will be made when that becomes available. If you wish to install 9.1-RELEASE now you can build your own packages using portsnap(8) to obtain an up to date ports tree and then build the packages. If you require pre-built packages you should wait for the announcement of the full release package set becoming available.

So yes, using the packages-9-stable repository sounds like a good idea.
get ncftp[3]-...
pkg_add ncftp3- # when local
ls mc*
get mc- ..... # whatever it has
the poster above this one bested it by three seconds or so...
How about pkgng, are there any usable packages already?
I did not find anything by nosing around on
I get e.g.
# pkg install subversion
pkg: Package 'subversion' was not found in the repositories
fonz said:
Doesn't it use the very same packages as the pkg_* tools? If they aren't there (yet), they aren't there (yet).


PKGNG has a different package format, you can't install the old packages with pkgng tools and vice versa. There are no PKGNG packages yet for 9.1-RELEASE because 9.1 still uses the old pkg tools by default and PKGNG is still an experimental feature for 9.X releases of FreeBSD.
In a similar vein, I saw the release announcement for FreeBSD 9.1 this morning, so I tried to download via FTP. - no 9.1 directory (under ISO-IMAGES-AMD64) - no 9.1 directory - no 9.1 directory

Am I somehow seeing expired cached data, or is it not on the FTP sites yet?
is that ok so for FreeBSD9.1 i386 ???

sudo setenv PACKAGESITE
sudo pkg_add -r mc

sorry my dumb questions but FreeBSD is new for me ^^
thanks :)
I've that in /usr/local/etc/portmaster.rc # or another similar though. More steps needed to make it more relevant to your question maybe.