Solved Forcing pkg bootstrap to use IP4 not IPv6


I am trying to persuade pkg on FreeBSD 12.2 to use IP4 when doing a bootstrap. I have 'IP_VERSION: 4' in /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf but tcpdump proves pkg is trying via IPv6.

Attempts to specify IP4 on the command line do not accomplish the goal either:

env ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=YES IP_VERSION=4 pkg bootstrap -f

Via tcpdump I can see the outgoing connections to port 80.

edit: this is being run in a jail.
I'm also experiencing problems with pkg and, after seen your post - thanks! - i've disabled IPv6 on my server and pkg worked fine. Do we know what could be causing this IPv6 request to fail? I don't need IPv6 on my server at this moment, but will soon after the planned VMs are up and configured.
In my case, it's routing. There is no public IPv6 route out. Only local IPv6.
The /usr/sbin/pkg is pkg(7) and is the bootstrap. It uses various functions from fetch(3). It will just use whatever address DNS provides, which could be an IPv6 address. As far as I can tell there's nothing in the code to limit this to IPv4 or IPv6.

As long as the DNS requests don't provide IPv6 addresses it should be fine. But there's nothing in resolv.conf(5) that could be used for this. If you use unbound (or some other DNS provider) you could limit it there (this would also fix any other type of connection as those could fail to connect on IPv6 too).

Probably the best way in this case is to use ip6addrctl(8), you can enable it from /etc/rc.conf:
You can add your preferences in /etc/ip6addrctl.conf.
You can add your preferences in /etc/ip6addrctl.conf.
That file is remarkably undocumented from what I failed to find. :/

For now, when I need to pkg bootstrap, I will comment out the [FONT=courier new]ip6[/FONT] lines in /etc/jail.conf

I did this this:


Followed by sudo service ip6addrctl start

The jail still prefers IPv6 for pkg bootstrap.