Do jails support SMP?


I am on FreeNAS (9.3, latest at the time of this writing), and I am having an unusually hard time determining if the jails I am creating through it are providing SMP access for threaded processes.


Concurrently (no pun intended), I am trying to find any document on the web that discusses how/if SMP is supported inside of a jail (currently I am constrained to FreeBSD 9.3 since this is a FreeNAS box).

Any pointers would be appreciated.


Sorry for the noise; apparently I was able to conclude that it is supported by running pigz on a very large file, both inside and outside of the jail, whilst observing the output of top -P.

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Technically a jail runs on top of the host's kernel. So if the host's kernel supports SMP the jail will too.
Jail is not a virtual machine, all jailed processes are scheduled using the host's process scheduling with equal priority with the host's own processes.