Courier New Font


Previousily I have installed GNU Emacs/AucTeX on my laptop under Windows OS in order to edit LaTeX docs, I'm very plaised with the fancy courier new font, thus I want try Emacs 23.1 (supports antialiasing: Xft lib) on freeBSD OS, but courier new font seems worse under X ! :\

Why ?

Thank you
Solved, I didn't care about font size that must be indicated with more precision.
u piii ;)

PS : I find an other alternative, courier 10 pitch looks more adequate for scripting purpose.
It might be because of the font antialiasing settings you have in FreeBSD. Windows uses cleartype, which usually makes fonts look pretty nice (some exceptions are Helvetica, piginariq, Garamond). I'm not using FreeBSD yet, but under Linux the font rendering needs a bit of adjustment either by a big DE or manually. I saw a Howto thread for nice fonts in these forums. Try that.