Solved Consult additional files in /etc/nsswitch.conf

Hi all!

I was wondering if I could tell /etc/nsswitch.conf to consult an additional file on e.g. users' lookups after it has read /etc/passwd. I know how to use nss with ldap, nis or databases, I was just wondering (because I need it) if the files source is configurable.

Thanks all for any help!
I don't think you can configure additional files for the files source. I've never seen it used anywhere (but that's no guarantee it's not possible, it's just not common practice).
Thanks SirDice. This is what I thought as well... Nevertheless, I grep'ed a bit in the sources and found /etc/passwd and the like to be hard coded in /usr/src/include/pwd.h. I am not sure that this is the header file used by the nsswitch mechanism, but I assume it is.

woodsb02: unfortunately the man page does not help, I had checked it already before asking :).

Thanks both again.