Chromium 10 working for anyone?

thuglife said:
Ok , Andriy Gapon found the problem. Expect an updated port with a fully working Chromium for 8x very soon. An explicit -lc at the lflags was to blame :/

According to it's just happened:
Now works correctly for branches 8 and 7.
bump portrevision

Submitted by: avg

Wonder if flash issue was solved in this release as well
hedgehog said:
According to it's just happened:

Wonder if flash issue was solved in this release as well

I've compiled the newest FreeBSD Chromium port, and it works great so far on my FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE machine. Visiting flash-heavy site does not dump cores like Firefox3/4.

Great job! Thanks, now I can use Chromium/Chrome on my FreeBSD/Linux/Windows.

PS. By the way, it leaves tons of npviewer.bin processes after I use Chromium for 10-plus minutes. I hope this will be fixed soon.
Using Chromium full time again now. Thank you Andriy, and everyone else who's helped! :)

Gawd, I'm glad to ditch Firefox 4.0. Hoorah.