C cbf.c - simplle c beutifier

Long time ago i used cbf.c to quickly reformat C program code

I don't seem to be able to locate the source code anymore, anyone has it on hand
or has a tip of where i can find it ?

Thanks And Happy New Year
A long time ago I tried both uncrustify and astyle. Building uncrustify on Solaris was a nightmare. It was full of Linuxisms and generated a shitload of warnings.

The final straw with uncrustify was when it broke our machine generated code and converted an expression like a - -b (note the space between the binary subtraction operator and the unary negation operator) into a --b resulting in a compiler error.

We then switched to astyle and had no problems with it.

I wouldn't touch uncrustify with a bargepole.
I stumbled across bcpp that builds & installs fine, in addition it solves my problem.
( more complex then i need but small enogh for my need)

Thanks for all help ! Keep up and have a great New 2023 !
BTW, there is the clang-format (FreeBSD should be built with WITH_CLANG_FORMAT or WITH_CLANG_EXTRA options in src.conf)