Cannot access /dev/video0

Hi everybody,

I have following problem: I have an integrated webcam in my laptop and this seems to be correctly recognized. It means a /dev/video0 device has been created. However I simply cannot access this webcam. Skype for example reports that there are no video devices.
I tried to access this webcam in VLC and I'm getting following message:

[0x81c62f970] v4l demux error: cannot set channel (Invalid argument)
[0x81bffe930] main input error: open of `v4l:///dev/video0' failed: (null)

The webcam I'm trying to get to work is reported in system as:
ugen1.2: <HP Webcam SuYin> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON

However I'm not sure if it does matter because I'm trying FreeBSD already on the third computer and I'm getting always the same problem. The device is there but I cannot access it.

Thanks in advance,
If you already installed mplayer, you can use this code to test your webcam working or not.

mplayer tv:// -cache 128 -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0 > /dev/null 2>&1

The other way, install multimedia/pwcview. Same as above.

Be sure user have permission to read/write /dev/video0, check
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    0,  73 11  9 21:33 video0