Solved 13.1-RC4 missing for arm64?


Given 13.1-RC4 was just released, I tried freebsd-update on a raspberry pi4. It looks like the "metadata signature" is missing?

pi4-f579% uname -a
FreeBSD pi4-f579 13.1-RC3 FreeBSD 13.1-RC3 releng/13.1-n250110-ec2fbe4b1ec GENERIC arm64

pi4-f579% sudo freebsd-update upgrade -r 13.1-RC4
src component not installed, skipped
Looking up mirrors... 2 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 13.1-RC3 from done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Inspecting system... done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic kernel/generic-dbg world/base world/base-dbg

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y

Fetching metadata signature for 13.1-RC4 from failed.
Fetching metadata signature for 13.1-RC4 from failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.

This may be because upgrading from this platform (arm64)
or release (13.1-RC4) is unsupported by freebsd-update. Only
platforms with Tier 1 support can be upgraded by freebsd-update.
See for more info.

If unsupported, FreeBSD must be upgraded by source.
Will it work, if the server is changed to a different, perhaps primary mirror? freebsd-update -s
-s server -- Server from which to fetch updates
Also, the server can be set in /etc/freebsd-update.conf

The servers named Primary have more files on them. In a different case, I tried to install from a 13.1-RC3 boot CD, when 13.1-RC4 was the latest version. After it didn't work a few times, I noticed the clue on selecting the server, to choose a primary mirror. After installing from the boot cd, I upgraded it to 13.1-RC4. (For reference, this was on a non-ARM processor.)

Your Internet connection is working, because it shows that it found two mirrors.
If a server (or a mirror thereof) lacks what's required, someone should make a bug report.

Choose Services (Supporting Systems and Services for the FreeBSD Project, Community and Development).
Will it work, if the server is changed to a different, perhaps primary mirror? freebsd-update -s

Also, the server can be set in /etc/freebsd-update.conf

The servers named Primary have more files on them. In a different case, I tried to install from a 13.1-RC3 boot CD, when 13.1-RC4 was the latest version. After it didn't work a few times, I noticed the clue on selecting the server, to choose a primary mirror. After installing from the boot cd, I upgraded it to 13.1-RC4.

Your Internet connection is working, because it shows that it found two mirrors.
Curious, I tried with the freebsd-update -s and it ignored that switch, choosing mirror1 and mirror2 instead. Also curious, /etc/freebsd-update.conf has ServerName as the default.
It's good that it's here, because people searching the Internet can find the answer or status of the particular problem they're having more easily from an Internet search. If the problem can be troubleshooted, then that would be helpful here too. It appears like the right forum category.

For the work of troubleshooting, maybe the mailing list, bug report, or somewhere that could help developers. Which some of that was already done and pending for a solution. It doesn't hurt to mention anything useful including important status updates here too. For those who it interests who already have a FreeBSD Bugzilla account, more people following the bug report would be helpful. I don't use an ARM processor, so this one isn't particular to me.
Latest update, as per comment (PR263602#c3, 2022-04-28 23:14:00 UTC) from Glen Barber:
It is already fixed in RC5. It was a transient failure.

A short time ago in a forum near here, quite near ....