general/other Virtualizing FreeBSD 14 CURRENT on macOS M2 via Parallels 19


I am having an issue with post install and the install disc1 iso of FreeBSD 14 CURRENT arm64 on macOS M2 via Parallels 19. It seems to have installed, but after a few moments of running, either the 14 installer or the installed OS, I receive console spam of this error message:
AcpiOsExecute: failed to enqueue task, consider increasing debug.acpi.max_tasks tunable

Which seems to be addressable by changing debug.acpi.max_tasks="128" in

However, I cannot seem to last long enough to make this modification before the spam occurs. FBSD 13 works fine on macOS Parallels 19 so I tried the modification with that rescue cd. It cannot mount with the new ZFS feature flag, com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2 . FBSD 14 uses ZFS 2.2+ and FBSD 13 uses 2.1+, requiring an update to the EFI System Partition (ESP) to mount properly for boot.

How do you suppose I might make that modification or squelch the spammed message in FBSD 14?


Additional References
FreeBSD 14 CURRENT arm64
This is old and doesn't exist anymore.

install disc1 iso of FreeBSD 14 CURRENT arm64
Currently supported versions are 13.3-RELEASE(-STABLE), 14.0-RELEASE(-STABLE), 14.1-PRERELEASE. Not counting 13.2-RELEASE here, it will be end-of-life in June 2024.

a -CURRENT snapshot is not recommended for end users, unless you want do development or testing.

but after a few moments of running, either the 14 installer or the installed OS, I receive console spam of this error message:
However, I cannot seem to last long enough to make this modification before the spam occurs.
Those messages are displayed on the first (system) console, the one you see the boot and error messages displayed. FreeBSD has in the default terminal configuration besides the first console 7 virtual consoles (terminals). See /etc/ttys and ttys(5).

To edit /boot/loader.conf without being disturbed by console messages change into a virtual console with key combination Alt+[F2 - F8].

See FreeBSD handbook, chapter 3.2.1. Virtual Consoles
Ah, you got me. The old `snapshots` vs `releases` tree:

Yes, I understand CURRENT is generally unsupported except in dev channels. I was hoping to triage here before spamming the mailing list with my novice issues.

Thank you T-Daemon for the references!

Even though it's old, I've posted the work for others to enjoy with vagrant on arm64 parallels:

I may do 14.1 and 15 PRERELEASE for fun later. It might be interesting to set up a `packer` CI/CD flow for it.

I am having an issue with post install and the install disc1 iso of FreeBSD 14 CURRENT arm64 on macOS M2 via Parallels 19. It seems to have installed, but after a few moments of running, either the 14 installer or the installed OS, I receive console spam of this error message:
AcpiOsExecute: failed to enqueue task, consider increasing debug.acpi.max_tasks tunable

Which seems to be addressable by changing debug.acpi.max_tasks="128" in

However, I cannot seem to last long enough to make this modification before the spam occurs. FBSD 13 works fine on macOS Parallels 19 so I tried the modification with that rescue cd. It cannot mount with the new ZFS feature flag, com.klarasystems:vdev_zaps_v2 . FBSD 14 uses ZFS 2.2+ and FBSD 13 uses 2.1+, requiring an update to the EFI System Partition (ESP) to mount properly for boot.

How do you suppose I might make that modification or squelch the spammed message in FBSD 14?


Additional References
Hi Joe jhgorse ,

I'm having this same issue

AcpiOsExecute: failed to enqueue task, consider increasing debug.acpi.max_tasks tunable

using FreeBSD 14-RELEASE and wondering if you have found any solution or workaround ?


Did you also try setting debug.acpi.max_tasks="128" in /boot/loader.conf?
Then I'm out of ideas or suggestions. I think we do have a couple of users with an M1/M2 Mac. So stick around, maybe one of them might have some ideas.
karbhawono and jhgorse, try 15-CURRENT.

The issue has been fixed since 2023-10-12 on the "main" development branch (15-CURRENT) after Differential Revision:
Note this fixes a bug where an arm64 server [...] at boot, with:
"AcpiOsExecute: failed to enqueue task, consider
increasing the debug.acpi.max_tasks tunable" scrolling
on console.

But the patch hasn't landed on latest release, release/14.1 (14.1-BETA2), or stable/14.

The patch provides a tunable (debug.acpi.ged_defer). For details see commit log message of the patch down below.


If the tunable has an effect, you can try patching 14.0-RELEASE or 14.1-BETA2 source, eventually stable/14 .
karbhawono and jhgorse, try 15-CURRENT.

The issue has been fixed since 2023-10-12 on the "main" development branch (15-CURRENT) after Differential Revision:

But the patch hasn't landed on latest release, release/14.1 (14.1-BETA2), or stable/14.

The patch provides a tunable (debug.acpi.ged_defer). For details see commit log message of the patch down below.


If the tunable has an effect, you can try patching 14.0-RELEASE or 14.1-BETA2 source, eventually stable/14 .
Hi T-Daemon , I'm using FreeBSD-15.0-CURRENT-arm64-aarch64-20240509-ce7756fdca1f-270021-disc1.iso and it was successfully installed.

However, it panic on first boot.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 8.41.11 PM.png
I had no problems running 15-current in Parallels on my M1. But I can't re-check since I don't have a spare license for my M1 Mac.
I managed to boot after commenting out ipv6 in /etc/rc.conf but unexpected kernel panic still happening.
Such issues are not unexpected on a development branch. Please set the tunable debug.acpi.ged_defer=1 in /boot/loader.conf and check if the error messages have disappeared.