Raspberry PI 400 and 14.0 - not amused

I recently did a video …

RoboNuggie please, can you add a prominent correction to your text below the video on YouTube? Plus, maybe, a pinned comment.

The video seems to show modification of /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.

(It's not normal for /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf in 14.0-RELEASE to have the code comments that are shown in the video.)

Don't modify /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf, …

– and so on, there are countless pleas to not modify /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.



So, if you teach people to use pkg+http, please be prepared to reeducate them when 12⋯ reaches end of life.


  • 1700886894291.png
    149.8 KB · Views: 70
I am currently writing my own browser with www/webkit2-gtk4.

Works pretty well so far under Raspberry Pi OS (hardware accellerated Wayland).




I don't know how it'll behave under FreeBSD yet, but it 's easy and fun. Way easier than to use Bugzilla, btw.
RoboNuggie please, can you add a prominent correction to your text below the video on YouTube? Plus, maybe, a pinned comment.

The video seems to show modification of /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.

(It's not normal for /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf in 14.0-RELEASE to have the code comments that are shown in the video.)

– and so on, there are countless pleas to not modify /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.



So, if you teach people to use pkg+http, please be prepared to reeducate them when 12⋯ reaches end of life.
Will do, I should have known better.

The code comments were in the config file as is... and were not added.
teaches YouTube viewers the WRONG way to get packages from latest.

Also, he seems to ignore commentary. Consistently ignorant, but that's OK, at least for him, because clicks = money.

PS, for clarity, I mean <https://old.reddit.com/user/RoboNuggie> with no interaction in /r/freebsd for more than two years, and questions are repeatedly ignored.

If you want to ask me anything, or to perhaps berate me because I give bad or wrong advice, then the best place to contact me is via Twitter/X or in the comment section under the video.

Do you think I am just interested in clicks = money?
I have to admit I find that sentiment rather disappointing.

I hope you are not representative of the type of user on this forum - cynical, mean spirited and off-hand, because I have
often touted the benefits of the FreeBSD Community and the Forum to potential FreeBSD users, only to be met with this on one of the rare times I make a contribution.
Granted this is a reply to a post before I posted my video links, which makes your subsequent replies to me which were polite and professional
seem rather two-faced.

I think whoever moderates this forum needs to have a word and re-educate you on the art of civility.
I mean <https://old.reddit.com/user/RoboNuggie> with no interaction in /r/freebsd for more than two years, and questions are repeatedly ignored
the best place to contact me is via Twitter/X or in the comment section under the video
That's where the problem is, being on multiple place gives a lot of work.

I watched few videos of RoboNuggie before getting on board with FreeBSD and those helped me at the time, he seems to be a nice guy who always show some love to FreeBSD, one can't deny it. And indeed the comment section below the video is one way to talk with him.

I hope you are not representative of the type of user on this forum - cynical, mean spirited and off-hand
I think you know he is not like that if you are on reddit.
He is always very helpful by answering to a lot of questions like few guys can do here on the forum by giving good explanation countless time.

grahamperrin RoboNuggie Obviously both of you are going in the same direction, please be gentle with each other as usual.
That's where the problem is, being on multiple place gives a lot of work.

I watched few videos of RoboNuggie before getting on board with FreeBSD and those helped me at the time, he seems to be a nice guy who always show some love to FreeBSD, one can't deny it. And indeed the comment section below the video is one way to talk with him.

I think you know he is not like that if you are on reddit.
He is always very helpful by answering to a lot of questions like few guys can do here on the forum by giving good explanation countless time.

grahamperrin RoboNuggie Obviously both of you are going in the same direction, please be gentle with each other as usual.
No worries... it's forgotten now. I appreciate this response gotnull. Thank you!
the best place to contact me is via Twitter/X

Impossible, sorry; I deleted my account there years ago because of the toxicity that Twitter created.

or in the comment section under the video.

You might be surprised to know that YouTube is the worst place, in this case, because amongst the questions in Reddit that gained no response were:
  • me asking, repeatedly, why my comments were disappearing from your YouTube channel.
I hope you are not representative of the type of user on this forum - cynical, mean spirited and off-hand,

I'm grateful for what you do, {backstep/delete what followed}

Honestly, I've been more than fair, {backstep/delete what followed}

RoboNuggie and all, I'm sorry for the public outburst. Out of character. Instead, I reached out privately in an attempt to explain the underlying frustration.


NB (postscript) my retractions above and in a previous comment, and the apology.
Impossible, sorry; I deleted my account there years ago because of the toxicity that Twitter created.

You might be surprised to know that YouTube is the WORST place, in this case, because amongst the questions that you ignored, in Reddit, were:
  • me asking, repeatedly, why my comments were disappearing from your YouTube channel.
Can you begin to understand my exasperation?

I'm grateful for what you do, but honestly, what do you expect if you're so consistently ignorant?

Honestly, I've been more than fair, given your ignorance over a two-year period in Reddit. There's more, but if you don't want a harsher truth, from a moderator's perspective, please leave it there.

Last I heard was that they are working on underlying layers required to support it properly. OpenBSD has it working but is still missing the infrastructure to take full advantage of it (it is mostly a coincidence that they have it working at all, just some (very smart) individual took a passing interest in it)

Whilst we can never expect an OS to support *all* hardware platforms, I do find the complete loss of interest for the Raspberry Pi a little bizarre. People can certainly choose what they spend their time on but again, its weird that so many people are more interested in Apple's landfill hardware vs a cheap, flexible SoC like the Pi.

The good news is that the flood of "Apple Silicon" interest means that the Broadcom Wifi is back in the limelight (for now Apple still uses it for the bargain bin wifi chip of choice) so any work there should feed back up the chain and benefit the Pi community.

Hopefully by the time it is 100% supported by FreeBSD, the Pi hardware will still be for sale in the great treadmill we call the tech industry ;)

Semi related:
The University of Cambridge teaches its L41: Advanced Operating Systems masters-level OS course based on BeagleBone Black and FreeBSD
So presumably if you want a cheap SoC that works quite well with FreeBSD, this might be the better option?
teaches YouTube viewers the wrong way to get packages from latest.
It is not *wrong* since it clearly works. It is not *recommended* - a recommendation I too ignore. In fact it is the current way that is counterintuitive! /usr/local/etc is config space for installed packages, while /etc is config space for freebsd and since pkg is a standard component of freebsd, its config (& any modifications to it) should be under /etc.
bakul thanks, I'd like to respect the wishes of eternal_noob and others for things to get back on topic. Feel free to make a profile post in my area, or yours, or a new topic, whatever you prefer. Topic probably better than a profile post, because profiles have a limit on the number of characters. Thanks.
RoboNuggie please, can you add a prominent correction to your text below the video on YouTube? Plus, maybe, a pinned comment.

The video seems to show modification of /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.

(It's not normal for /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf in 14.0-RELEASE to have the code comments that are shown in the video.)

– and so on, there are countless pleas to not modify /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.

Well, from the video we don't see which file it is.
I don't know for you, but it is more easy to just mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos and then simply cp /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf.
The argument that there shouldn't be the commentary at the beginning is counter productive, by seeing the comment the viewer can directly see where the files should be located.
At this time on the video (I didn't watch before), there is no mention of /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf.
The viewer is most likely going to create the file in /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf.

To stay on topic, since gpu acceleration is not working for the raspberry pi on FreeBSD (If I recall correctly for rpi before 4 you need a 32bit OS to use some proprietary blob to have access to the gpu),
some software may not works as expected.
You may have more luck using some board with the mali gpu that are supported by the panfrost driver.
Looking at https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/v3d.html , developer need to sign an NDA to get the specification for the V3D architecture specification.