net-mgmt/unifi8 upgrade and mongodb50 - Illegal Instruction/Unresolved Symbols/AVX

Just a heads up for people with creaky old hardware running unifi8 (like me). The update to unifi 8.1.113 includes an update from mongodb44 to mongodb50. The default version mongodb50 requires AVX support for your amd64 cpu.

If you go and install it on unsupported hardware, unifi will appear to launch, but it never gets the database running. If you try to run monogod by itself, it'll error with "Illegal Instruction".

I added mongodb50 to my poudriere runs and configured it to build with NOAVX and installed that on my creaky unifi box. When trying to run mongod, it complained about undefined symbols with snappy. I then added snappy to by poudriere list (no configuration required) and installed that version.

After a long migration (new methods of storing dpi data apparently), I have now logged into the unifi console, running 8.1.113.