My first wallpaper

Thanks to the amazing handbook, Vermaden's incredible blog and all the knowledge here in the forums, I've been happily daily-driving FreeBSD in my work machine, a ThinkPad W530 with the W520 keyboard. 32GB of RAM, WINE, VirtualBox fill the blanks for other stuff I have to do for dayjob (handle Linux Docker images), it's been pure joy and now that I am set, my machine never gets on my way. =))
(web browsing machine remains X230 Qubes OS)

Anyway... After getting bored of the FreeBSD wallpapers I found out there, I decided to make my own and I think it's not too bad, so I decided to share it. Enjoy!

And thanks everyone.


  • freebsd_mine.jpg
    624.5 KB · Views: 220
I know, you're a long-time lurker, you might like to introduce yourself in the usual place:

I like the wallpaper 👍 <> if you'd like to share any more detailed screenshot.

What was the outcome of your 2022 attempt to work with NVIDIA graphics with Optimus disabled? <>
Hello everyone,

I'm sorry for the late reply - life's been busy.

The sky has been randomly generated with GIMP. Create random noise, increase contrast to maximum (so dots become black/white), then add blur. Use 2-3 layers be able to use different blur levels and create starts of different sizes. Something like that.

I will introduce myself and answer to the query on Optimus. And yes, I enjoy FreeBSD a lot. =)