Let's start a new project : let's create a new mobile device powered by FreeBSD.

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You didn't understand yet what are my abilities and my competences. I'm a psychologist. PSYCHOLOGIST. I have the computer science as an hobby. I can't start a project like this by myself because I lack some basics and I don't have the whole overview of the steps to take. I even didn't know what's missing inside me because my knowledge is not structured. I learn by doing and that's not the best way to learn. But I enjoy to do like this and I can collaborate with someone else that is more experienced. I can help,I can make test,I can configure easy / medium complicated tasks. I'm not a coder / developer,never I will be. But I like the computer science,so I don't think is wrong to stimulate someone to start some cool project. I know my limits. I'm sorry to tell you but you seem to be hyper empowered and disinclined to accept that there are, there must be limits in all of us. You can't be everything, you can't do everything. So,reversing the roles, I don't think you could learn by yourself the basics of clinical psychology. I am not convinced that you would be able to understand it well if you were self-taught like me. On the contrary, sometimes I'm proud of myself for what I'm able to do.
I can help,I can make test,I can configure easy tasks
IOW, nothing that would ever be helpful with such a "project". And again, starting some open source project always means having something to show, not just "phantastic" ideas.

Trying to make the point even clearer: Nobody(!) will ever work on that.

People who understand the technical implications also understand how this is a HUGE amount of work (keeping a professional and paid development team busy for months if not longer) and how the result will never be good for anything.
IOW, nothing that would ever be helpful with such a "project". And again, starting some open source project always means having something to show, not just "phantastic" ideas.

Trying to make the point even clearer: Nobody(!) will ever work on that.

People who understand the technical implications also understand how this is a HUGE amount of work (keeping a professional and paid development team busy for months if not longer) and how the result will never be good for anything.

Really you don't understand what's the meaning of working on a project as a team ? Again,your words let me thinking that your personal view is too egocentric. A project complicated like this requires the competences of more people. So,stop to focus only on me. Think at me as a small helper and a motivator or as an information seeker. There will be more than something to show if more users will start working on the project. You seem to be fallen into a vicious circle.
result will never be good for anything.
One nit here, for ziomario, there was a post saying that someone wants to fund this already, *they* need it, so why not contact them directly? Otherwise fully agree, *I* don't see real world use for this phone (even just for fun, sorry, I prefer iphone because I can't and DON'T want to change anything in it and there are already a lot of much more "fun" things to work on).
*sigh*. talk to you again next year.

edit, seems "the list" just opts to completely ignore this kind of wasting time. And honestly, that was my plan as well. Seeing the fruitless discussion here just never stop finally mislead me to comment. It was just as useless as the rest of this thread :rolleyes:
there was a post saying that someone wants to fund this already, *they* need it, so why not contact them directly?
They should probably put their money where their mouth is. Guess that won't happen when learning what "funding" would realistically mean here 😉
And stop to think to every project only if you think that you will gain money. Do it only if you LIKE to do it. For sure,when you have time. I see a lot of developers that start projects because they like it,at least at the beginning,not necessarily because they want money. Probably they already gain money from different jobs,so they can work on the spare time to the projects that they really like. And I also see a lot of crowd funded cool projects as well. My sensation is that there is something inside you that's blocking you. Maybe you don't trust in this project. Or you need more money from your life. I don't know. But you seem to have lost the pleasure to do things...only for the pleasure and for the sense of accomplishment,or because you really love FreeBSD. In short, for any reason that is not necessarily related to money.
Hello Freebsd-Lovers.

I plan to buy the "PINEPHONE – Beta Edition with Convergence Package Linux SmartPhone". I would like to install FreeBSD instead of Linux on this device. I would like to create a team of developers. I can help those developers,but not deeply,because I'm a system administrator as a hobbyist. I can hack and configure a system if it does not require high technical skills. I'm not a developer. I'm not a software engineer. I would also know if I can participate by putting in some money into the project,because I know that you would take away time that you should devote to your job. I'm not able to quantify how much money this project would require to be completed,to have a clear idea if I can start or not the project itself. If the amount of money is very high for me,I would like to know if whether a crowdfunding project could be started to get the necessary money. Let me know your thoughts. thanks.
So you have no relevant skills and maybe "some money".

My thoughts are: You should know that it's ok to have half assed ideas and not start threads about it.
I can't start a project like this by myself because I lack some basics and I don't have the whole overview of the steps to take.
Step one of your project, gain the required basic knowledge. This is what separates the people with ideas from the ones that actually create projects. It's not about a lack of knowledge because knowledge can be gained. It's about commitment and perseverance. Your commitment and perseverance. If you really want this project so much then stop talking about it and get started.

I learn by doing and that's not the best way to learn.
That's actually wrong. You can learn the theory but if you don't put that theory in practice you're never learning to the fullest extend. All programmers start off as shitty coders. You learn to write better code by actually doing it. A lot. And failing a lot along the way. Practice does make perfect.

And stop to think to every project only if you think that you will gain money.
It's not about gaining money. It's about not pouring money in some bottomless pit with nothing to show for it. And as you seem to target the 'hobbyist' you can't expect someone to buy $1000 worth of components and spend countless hours of time trying to fit it all together.

I see a lot of developers that start projects because they like it,at least at the beginning,not necessarily because they want money.
Yes, and they have the commitment and perseverance to actually make it happen.
And stop to think to every project only if you think that you will gain money. Do it only if you LIKE to do it. For sure,when you have time. I see a lot of developers that start projects because they like it,at least at the beginning,not necessarily because they want money. Probably they already gain money from different jobs,so they can work on the spare time to the projects that they really like. And I also see a lot of crowd funded cool projects as well. My sensation is that there is something inside you that's blocking you. Maybe you don't trust in this project. Or you need more money from your life. I don't know. But you seem to have lost the pleasure to do things...only for the pleasure and for the sense of accomplishment,or because you really love FreeBSD. In short, for any reason that is not necessarily related to money.

Let's just assume a third alternative exist to iOS/Andriod. Why should people use it? What user experience (and touch UI) would it offer that would compel people to switch? Those platforms already have vast amount of applications users, and libraries/drivers for developers to use; that's mainly what you'll be fighting against.

I think the bhyve idea would probably be the most practical approach to start with. Then there's language selection for application development. Just don't pick Qt/C++, you'll get slapped with a rubber chicken.
Because there are some people who just do not trust Google or Apple?
Because there are some people who do not want to contribute to the profits of Google or Apple because of the non-ethical way they do their business?

Imagine presenting a brand new device people should use because they don't trust Apple/Google. This is device a brick; a brick that you can do nothing with. But hey!, it's free and open source, right? As long as it's open source you should use it! I'm sure that'll win many hearts.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... the iBrick"
One nit here, for ziomario, there was a post saying that someone wants to fund this already, *they* need it, so why not contact them directly? Otherwise fully agree, *I* don't see real world use for this phone (even just for fun, sorry, I prefer iphone because I can't and DON'T want to change anything in it and there are already a lot of much more "fun" things to work on).

Where is that post ? Contact them,who ? I want to be honest. In this forum often I read so many reasons why we should not do this or that,but this place has a LOT of potential for doing great things. A lot of users explain the technical reasons why we should not do. I never read someone who wants,instead,start a project. Or if someone would like,at the end of the day,nothing will start,even for fun. What's the problem to start a common project for fun ? Why it seems impossible to do this here ? You prefer iphone because everything work out of the box ? ok,but your attitude is more correlated with the windows or apple mindset than with the unixes / linux phylosophy. So,why are you here ?
Step one of your project, gain the required basic knowledge. This is what separates the people with ideas from the ones that actually create projects. It's not about a lack of knowledge because knowledge can be gained. It's about commitment and perseverance. Your commitment and perseverance. If you really want this project so much then stop talking about it and get started.

That's actually wrong. You can learn the theory but if you don't put that theory in practice you're never learning to the fullest extend. All programmers start off as shitty coders. You learn to write better code by actually doing it. A lot. And failing a lot along the way. Practice does make perfect.

It's not about gaining money. It's about not pouring money in some bottomless pit with nothing to show for it. And as you seem to target the 'hobbyist' you can't expect someone to buy $1000 worth of components and spend countless hours of time trying to fit it all together.

Yes, and they have the commitment and perseverance to actually make it happen.

You started your post badly. The project that I would like to start (mobile phone powered by FreeBSD) can't be mine. Nor I want that it is mine. I would like to find the right people who wants to start it because I think that it is funny. At the end if something will be produced,will be for everyone. This is possible if you assume that :

1) it starts for fun
2) you don't start it with high expectations
3) you won't monetize,at least at the beginning
4) you simply accept what everyone can give, without thinking that they can give more

reading what you wrote,you fail on point 3 and 4. So nothing will be done,according with your way of thinking. Linux is born for fun. Full stop.
Potential means there is a diff with reality. You probably have just a little to romantic view on forum communities. I suggest disillusioning.

No,I will not do this. I'm here from 2 years. I've been helped professionally for a long time and I saw that there is a very good potential. Here there are system admins and developers with very nice technical skills. If those skills are or not enough to start a common project like the porting of FreeBSD on the pinephone I don't want to exclude it. I think that's important to find a good start,anyway. A solid base where the majority of the users will be able to give something,because the starting required skills should not be too high.
Round about 3 years ago there was a presentation from Nicole Faerber (CTO from Purism) about the effort making the Librium 5 phone.
You get some insights about the effort making a smartphone with an open source os.

When you see this presentation you may understand better what amount of effort is necessary to make a smartphone.
The project that I would like to start (mobile phone powered by FreeBSD) can't be mine.
Contradictio in terminis.

I would like to find the right people who wants to start it because I think that it is funny.
That makes you the project owner. This project is your vision of how it should be put together.

At the end if something will be produced,will be for everyone.
That is up to the project owner.

3) you won't monetize,at least at the beginning
4) you simply accept what everyone can give, without thinking that they can give more

reading what you wrote,you fail on point 3 and 4.
You completely misunderstood what I wrote.
You didn't understand yet what are my abilities and my competences. I'm a psychologist. PSYCHOLOGIST. I have the computer science as an hobby. I can't start a project like this by myself because I lack some basics and I don't have the whole overview of the steps to take. I even didn't know what's missing inside me because my knowledge is not structured. I learn by doing and that's not the best way to learn. But I enjoy to do like this and I can collaborate with someone else that is more experienced. I can help,I can make test,I can configure easy / medium complicated tasks. I'm not a coder / developer,never I will be. But I like the computer science,so I don't think is wrong to stimulate someone to start some cool project. I know my limits. I'm sorry to tell you but you seem to be hyper empowered and disinclined to accept that there are, there must be limits in all of us. You can't be everything, you can't do everything. So,reversing the roles, I don't think you could learn by yourself the basics of clinical psychology. I am not convinced that you would be able to understand it well if you were self-taught like me. On the contrary, sometimes I'm proud of myself for what I'm able to do.
Let's see... a psychologist who doesn't even have a handle on prevailing expectations in computer world.

I don't think you can expect to stimulate ANYONE without even knowing what the other person expects.

Others in this thread made their expectations abundantly clear: Have something that we can check out. Hot air is not it. Your idea is nothing more than snake oil - until you put in some work and give us something technical to give you feedback on.
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