A couple of months ago I switched from using Embarcadero's Delphi 10.x to Lazarus and Free Pascal (easily installed from the ports tree editors/lazarus which automatically installs the Free Pascal Compiler and needed source) mainly to be able to create 64 bit macOS applications due to the much delayed Delphi 64 bit macOS compiler (yeah, it is finally out now).

The bonus with switching to Lazarus and FPC is that I can now not only compile the same (almost) source code for macOS and Windows, but also FreeBSD and Linux (and possibly iOS and Android, but that's not something in which I'm interested, at the moment anyway). My application now compiles and runs on all four of those operating systems.

Alas, FreeBSD is a less travelled road for Lazarus and FPC, so I've been gradually adding FreeBSD content to the Lazarus/FPC wiki which can be found by going to the FreeBSD Portal on the wiki. If you've ever wondered about multi-platform programming with an easy to learn language and a vibrant helpful community, check it out.
I have decades of Turbo Pascal / Delphi code that I would like to cross compile to FreeBSD.
My Lazarus installation as of this writing is v3.2, on Windows 64-bit.

I'm searching for the end of the string in the maze of Lazarus settings.
My interest is console (non-GUI) applications.