Wireshark cannot see interfaces

I want to try Wireshark. Just I am completely noob on Networks I made my first try to learn something new :) Wireshark compiled and installed just fine. None error or any problem. But when I open it and went to select my Interface to start capturing packages then Wireshark tells me:
There are no interfaces on which a capture can be done.
My interface is re0. Should be re0 on interfaces. Right?
Do not run Wireshark as root. This is unneeded. Just make sure your user has read access to the /dev/bpf devices.

I have this in /etc/devfs.conf (I'm a wheel user)

own     /dev/bpf0       root:wheel
perm    /dev/bpf0       0640
own     /dev/bpf1       root:wheel
perm    /dev/bpf1       0640
own     /dev/bpf2       root:wheel
perm    /dev/bpf2       0640

Works fine. No root needed.
killasmurf86 said:
Just remember, that keeping bpf readable for everyone is security issue :)

No one here's suggesting making bpf readable for everyone, right? 0640/root:wheel is tight enough in this case. You probably wouldn't want a non-wheel user sniffing your local traffic anyway ;)